Call for Participation Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Connections Call for Participation?
The Connections 2025 Call for Participation (also called the CFP) offers a place to submit session proposals. Session proposals are submissions to present full sessions at Connections. The submitter would be responsible for helping develop the final title, abstract, and presentation deck. Proposed speakers can be added to session proposals but are not guaranteed to be a part of the presentation.
When does the Call for Participation (CFP) open and close?
The CFP opened on Monday, February 24th, 2025, and will close on Friday, March 14th, 2025, at 5:00 PM PT.
When will I be notified of the status of my submission?
Session proposal(s) notifications will be delivered by end of April 2025.
What tips would you recommend for writing a good submission?
Proposed Title Tips: Start with a verb and make it actionable and interesting for the attendee. Use title case and pay attention to the 60-character count.
Proposed Abstract Tips: Be specific and mention the product, audience, or industry. Use sentence case and pay attention to the 200-character count.
Is there a place to see all submission requirements before I submit them?
Yes! Feel free to first review this offline form, then, copy and paste your responses into the online submission form. This option is a great way to avoid losing valuable work and information. You must enter your session proposal or speaker information via the online submission form (not the offline form) to formally apply.
Can I submit more than 1 session?
Yes! Feel free to submit up to 5 session proposals. It is possible one or more of your session proposals may be accepted. Speakers might also be asked to speak in more than one session if selected.
Can I submit a presentation on behalf of someone else?
Yes! Session proposals and speaker nominations can be submitted on behalf of someone else. Please note that as the submitter, you will still receive all correspondence regarding the status of submissions. Note: When nominating a speaker, please fill out their name in the fields that are required.
What happens once I submit?
Once you submit to the CFP, you will receive a notification email confirming your submission was completed. Our review process will begin once the CFP closes and we will be working diligently to send out notification emails by our deadlines. If your session is chosen, and all parties accept to present at Connections, confirmed speakers will receive a complimentary pass to Connections.
Can I edit my submission?
Yes! You can go back to the CFP link and edit your submission(s) until the close date of March 14th, 2025. After the close date, submissions will be locked. Pro tip: check out your CFP confirmation email for editing reminders as well!
Can I request a certain session format/time length?
We ask that you please provide us with your preferred session length (20 or 40 minutes). Please note, this length is not guaranteed upon submission.
What is the process after I get notified of the status of my submission?
If your session proposal is accepted, you will become a content owner for your session. You will have tasks to complete leading up to Connections and will receive more information in your notification email. A session owner will also be assigned to you as your main point of contact.
Why might my submission not get selected?
We receive many submissions each year—and unfortunately, we are able to select only a limited number of submissions.
Are there speaker guidelines/requirements I need to accept in order to speak at Connections 2025?
There will be required speaker tasks to submit in order to speak at Connections 2025 this year. This includes confirming your participation, a speaker release form, confirming session schedules, etc.
If accepted, will I be delivering my presentation in person or virtually?
Content will be delivered in person this year. Some content may be recorded for Salesforce+ while at Connections 2025 and you will be informed if your content is selected for recording.
Will I be reimbursed for travel/are travel costs covered?
Unfortunately, travel costs will not be covered. However, a complimentary speaker pass will be provided for all confirmed speakers for Connections 2025.
I am a government employee and cannot accept gifts, what does this process look like for me?
Government and Public Sector speakers will have the opportunity to request a Pre-Certification letter that will allow for a complimentary speaker pass if approved. More information will be shared on this once a speaker is accepted.
Can you tell me about the accessibility for speakers with disabilities?
We will collect accessibility accommodations (including wheelchair ramps, stools/chairs, hands-free microphones, etc.) during the speaker registration process while onsite.
If I am selected, is there an opportunity to rehearse ahead of time?
Yes! We will have a dedicated Speaker Work Room onsite where speakers can come and complete tech checks for their sessions. No rehearsals will occur in actual rooms unless they are in a Keynote session.
Will my presentation deck be available for attendees to view after Connections 2025?
Yes. If you decide to share the presentation, attendees will have the option to view a PDF version of your presentation from the Connections sessions page.
I have another question that wasn't addressed here. How do I get in touch with your team?
If you are a Salesforce employee, please Slack us at #help-CNX25-cfp. If you are a customer or partner, please email us at Thank you and we wish you all the best of luck in your submissions!